This is the month of remembrance. Many who thought they have been forgotten shall be remembered. Many who have been praying and are waiting for an answer shall receive answer to their prayer. The bible said wait upon the Lord; those who have been waiting on the Lord will be answered. The day of waiting is over. The gestation period is over. The time of reward has come.
God will use this month to wipe away the tears of many believers. All those crying thinking that they have been forgotten will be remembered. The Angels of God have been released by the Lord to visit them with their requests. Their petitions have been turned into answered prayers. Their tears are turned into tears of Joy.
2 Samuel 9:1-13
Mephiboseth was the grandson of King Saul, the first king of Israel. But his destiny was aborted and short-changed because of the atrocities and evils committed by King Saul. He suffered paralysis and became crippled at an early stage of his life and eventually ended up in Lo-Debar where the ‘useless’ [in the eyes of that society] were dumped.
One day God opened His book of remembrance and remembered Mephibosheth. He was moved from the habitation of useless people to the palace. He was transformed from a scavenger who formerly ate the crumbs from dustbins to one dining and wining with the king. He started a new life, eating choice food, wearing the best and costliest clothes. He had a retinue of servants and orderlies to service his beck and call. This is the Lord’s doing and ONLY Him can do such an awesome wonder.
The life of many believers will be transformed in a like manner this month. This is going to be the story of many this month. Watch out! Praise the Lord!
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