June 2016 – Month of Divine Visitation

Welcome to the Month of June, its the Month of Divine Visitation and also the month that ends the first half of the year.

“Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth” Luke 1:26

Our God is a good God. At appointed time, He visits His children and turns their situations around for good. God has a definite plan of divine visitation for you. God visited Abraham and turned him into a trans-generational blessing (Genesis 12:1-3). Abraham ended his journey blessed in everything (Genesis 24:1). God visited Isaac and turned him to the envy of the civilized world (Genesis 26:1-14). God visited Jacob and turned him into a global celebrity (Genesis 32:24-28).

In Exodus, the Lord visited the Hebrews in Egypt and delivered them from slavery of many generations and parted the waters of the Red Sea when they were trapped by Pharaoh’s army, enabling them to flee to safety.

In Luke chapter 1, we find the record of two impossible pregnancies. One woman, Elizabeth, was old and beyond her years of child bearing she thought, yet, the Lord visited her and gave her a child. In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy. Angel Gabriel was sent on another mission from God to the city of Nazareth to see a virgin named Mary.
Let me say here that God still visits His children today in divers ways and you will not be an exception.

Prayer points:
1. Father, I praise you for Your Divine Visitation
2. Father,visit me and release to me everything I need to be great.
3. Father, both me and the children you have given me, let us be for signs and for wonders in Jesus name.
4. Father, because of your visitation, don’t let me ever disappoint you; in words and in deed. Just let me please you all the days of my life.
5. Father, because you love me, set me up for mighty blessings and miracles.
6. Father, thank you for the visitation that will open doors of opportunities for me, my family and my ministry.
This sixth month of 2014, may you experience divine visitation of God that will transform your destiny for excellence in Jesus Name.
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